Governance and Management Team

Strong governance is integral to everything we do. Unigestion is an independent business with a stakeholder model of ownership to ensure a strong alignment of interests.

We apply this rigour to our Board, which comprises highly-regarded, experienced professionals who form an independent majority, and to our Executive Committee which has an average tenure at Unigestion of 18 years.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is responsible for the overall direction and supervision of management and holds the ultimate decision-making authority for Unigestion Holding SA. The Board has delegated the management of the company’s day-to-day business operations to Christophe de Dardel, the Chief Executive Officer.

  • Our Board has an independent majority, ensuring impartiality and transparency
  • Our directors have diverse backgrounds and industry experience, bringing a unique set of perspectives to the boardroom
  • Some directors also represent our clients, ensuring an alignment of interests




CHF Shareholder equity capital

Source: Unigestion as at 31.12.2023.

Board of Directors


Areas of Investment Expertise



Source: Unigestion as at 31.12.2023.

The Executive Committee

Our executive management team is responsible for ensuring we deliver long-term sustainable value for our stakeholders. Each member of the team is a shareholder, overseeing specific corporate activities, as well as sharing the collective responsibility for acting in the best interests of our clients, people and shareholders. Equally important is nurturing a diverse and collaborative culture, where each team member’s ideas are encouraged, valued and respected.

The Executive Committee

Independent and Stable Ownership Structure

Working in partnership with our investors is central to our firm’s philosophy. As an independent, privately-owned asset manager, we are able to take a long-term view and focus on creating sustainable value for our investors and our business. Our ownership structure is designed to ensure our long-term stability and independence, as well as align our interests with those of our clients.

Our largest shareholder is the Famsa foundation, established by our Chairman, Bernard Sabrier. Its goal is to act as a strategic long-term shareholder for the benefit of all stakeholders, while enabling us to make a real difference to society. Famsa makes substantial contributions to a wide range of projects in the charitable, educational, cultural and medical fields.

Our senior management team and key employees are also shareholders in Unigestion, providing a strong alignment of interests with our clients. Finally, having well regarded institutional investors within our ownership structure ensures a high standard of corporate governance.

Source: Unigestion, 31.12.2023.