Integrum and Vidia win Unigestion’s Best Emerging Manager Fund Raisings of the Year Awards

Integrum and Vidia win Unigestion’s Best Emerging Manager Fund Raisings of the Year Awards

The awards seek to showcase those emerging managers in Europe and the US which have distinguished themselves over the last year, particularly considering amount raised and momentum. The winners were selected by a panel of intermediaries and institutional investors active in the emerging manager space.

New York-based Integrum took home the US award. Integrum focuses on technology-enabled service companies in the insurance, business services, fintech and traditional financial services sectors. Last year, its first fund closed at $1.1bn, exceeding its original target. The firm was also able to exit one company during its fundraising period.

Vidia, which won the European award, is a specialist in scaling industrial climate solutions with an operational approach. It addresses the urgent need for decarbonisation within the DACH region and beyond. Vidia closed its first fund in January 2024 at its hard cap of €415m.

Both firms accepted their awards at the annual Unigestion Emerging Manager Conference, which took place in Paris in September. This Conference, which is in its 4th year, is quickly becoming a key event in the private equity calendar, showcasing the latest research and most innovative emerging managers across the market. Demand for the restricted event highlighted why emerging managers is the one of the most exciting segments of the private equity industry.

Unigestion’s private equity team, which comprises over 70 private equity professionals, has more than 20 years’ experience in private equity and currently manages over $11bn. It has built a strong track record of investing in more than a hundred emerging managers over the past 30 years, backing the early funds of firms that are now regarded as industry leaders, such as Hg Capital’s Mercury funds, Archimed, Blackfin Capital and Vance Street Capital, and now has over €1bn of private equity assets dedicated to emerging managers.

Kim Pochon, Global Head of Primary Investments at Unigestion, said: “We are proud to recognise these two emerging managers for their impressive debut fundraisings. Our research* shows that first-time funds can deliver more upside and avoid less downside risk while also holding up better than established funds in difficult market conditions. First-time managers are laser-focused on their first funds and are flexible because they are unencumbered by historical investments. They have a greater need to succeed and therefore are closely aligned with investors: if they don’t make it, it is very hard to raise another fund.”

Ralph Büchel, Global Head of Secondaries at Unigestion, said: “Integrum and Vidia distinguished themselves from other emerging managers, especially during this tough fundraising environment. The amount raised and momentum put them on top as among the most impressive emerging managers the market has to offer.”  


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