About Equities
Our approach to equity investing is based on a deep understanding of market risk factors refined over more than 25 years.
We combine cutting-edge technology with the discretionary expertise of our people to build resilient portfolios for our clients.
What we do
Defensive equities
Risk-managed, disciplined equity portfolios designed for investors who have capital protection as a key objective and who seek steady, long-term returns.
Core AI equities
Applying our expertise in machine learning to achieve best-in-class stock selection and enhanced diversification for clients seeking outperformance and predictability.
How we invest
- A deep understanding of market risk factors and a repeatable process
- Combining mind and machine to assess the full spectrum of risk and return drivers
- Using macro, sentiment and valuation indicators to adjust our style allocation and market risk
- Integrating ESG throughout our portfolio construction process and actively engaging with portfolio companies

Our team
Our seasoned team has decades of experience in financial markets. We have invested through numerous market cycles and bring a deep understanding of macroeconomic and geopolitical trends to our investment process.
We apply this knowledge to all our portfolios, employing a combination of quantitative analysis and fundamental expertise in order to deliver attractive returns to clients.
Machine learning expertise
Quant models relying on backward-looking statistics usually work well in backtests or when risks do not change. Our investment process is about risk management and identifying future change, hence it combines both systematic models and discretionary human analysis.

Style factors
We do not use academic factor models to invest, but use our own proprietary technology to analyse and select the best metrics from each factor. This approach delivers the same diversification benefits with superior performance potential.
Risk modelling
We measure and deconstruct risks using advanced quantitative models including stock price analysis and top-down indicators. This enables our portfolios to exhibit convincing capital protection characteristics and consistent behaviour across market regimes.

Responsible investment
Our 360 risk management process seeks to uncover all dimensions of risk. ESG issues are critical as they can materially impact the risk profile of companies and we integrate a four pillar approach to assessing ESG risks and opportunities in our investment process.
Fundamental research
We uncover risks and opportunities by analysing stocks, sectors, countries and themes. Our qualitative appraisal complements this quantitative approach with a forward-looking view and acts as a safety net, improving on the weaknesses of quantitative models.

Webinar: Quo Vadis Europe? Navigating the Future Amid Trumpolitics and Rising Geopolitical Risks
Our excellent panellists, Senior Portfolio Manager Alexandre Marquis and Fundamental Analyst Joachim Hermann, debated the impact of rising geopolitical risks from a fundamental and quantitative perspective and assessed how investors should navigate the future of European assets.
Thank you again for joining us and we look forward to seeing you again soon for our next webinar!
Should you wish to contact us, please email clients@unigestion.com
Equities insights
- Equities
- Papers
Once written off as dead money, Chinese banks have staged a quiet comeback—emerging as some of the market’s most resilient income plays. As China battles economic headwinds and investor confidence wavers, these state-backed giants are delivering strong dividends and unexpected stability. With limited alternatives, local investors are piling in, fuelling a trend that offshore sceptics never saw coming.
- Equities
- Events
Watch as Senior Portfolio Manager, Alexandre Marquis, and Fundamental Analyst, Joachim Hermann, debate the impact of rising geopolitical risks from a fundamental and quantitative perspective and assess how investors should navigate the future of European assets.
- Equities
- Events
Watch Fundamental Analyst, Fleura Shiyanova and Quantitative Analyst, Raphaël Zacharias debate the value of artificial intelligence in equities investing under the watchful eye of Xavier Marconnet, Head of Core AI Equities.