Heidi Dier

Heidi Dyer

Chief Financial Officer

Heidi Dyer, Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer and member of the Executive Committee, is responsible for the Finance, Risk, Legal & Compliance functions. She joined Unigestion in May 2023.

Ms. Dyer began her career in 1995 at PricewaterhouseCoopers, in the Audit and Business Advisory Group where she specialised in financial institutions, first in Frankfurt and then from 1997 in Geneva, serving in progressively more senior capacities to become Director. In 2014, she joined CACEIS in Nyon, Switzerland to lead the creation of a financial institution from a regulatory perspective and set up the Finance, Risk, Legal & Compliance and Depositary Control functions. After the creation of the Swiss bank, she became a member of its Executive Management Committee and was Head of Division.

Ms. Dyer holds a Master’s degree in business administration from the University of Regensburg in Germany (Diplom-Kauffrau Univ.) and the Kedge Business School in France (DESCAF). In 2000, she became a US Certified Public Accountant. She holds a Certificate in Advanced Studies (CAS) in Digital Finance Law from the University of Geneva and has completed different leadership and management programs.
