Alain Robert

Board member

Alain Robert, Board Member, is the President of the Helmut Horten Foundation, President of the Foundation for the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, member of the board of the Vareille Fondation and member of the board of ICMB in Geneva, Switzerland.

Mr Robert is a former Executive Vice Chairman for UBS Global Wealth Management. He worked for the bank for 40 years in various functions and business divisions, including a seven-year assignment in Canada. In 2001, he joined the UBS Group Managing Board as Head of Retail Banking. In 2003, he became Head of UBS Wealth Management Switzerland, a responsibility which was expanded in 2005 with the leadership of the global Key Client Initiative.

In 2007, Alain Robert became Head of UBS Wealth Management and Business Banking. Among his professional activities, Mr Robert was a member of the Foundation Board of the UBS Pension Fund in Switzerland, President of the UBS Cultural Foundation, President of the UBS Social and Education Foundation, Chairman of UBS Italy Spa, UBS Monaco SA and UBS France SA.
